We have had lots of firsts here in Alaska. I've killed my first crab, rode my first horse, and touched my first live starfish. Josh has created his first Chapel series, given his first daily devotionals, and he will be visiting his first Wilderness Camp this week. The boys will have their first birthdays this month. This is where they got their first mosquito bites and took their first steps. They had their first Cheerios here. They enjoyed their first time on a baby swing and their first trip down a slide. Soon they will have their first cake.
All these "firsts" remind me of the most important first. Keeping Jesus first. He is my first love.
Sometimes I struggle to keep my time with my Lord as a priority. Sometimes I'd rather sleep than study or I'd rather e-mail than pray. But without His direction, my day goes nowhere. Without seeking first (there it is again!!)His kingdom and His righteousness, my day is incomplete, and my efforts mostly ineffective. I want to give Jesus my best, not my leftovers. I don't want Him to be an afterthought, but the focus of my every thought. I need His guidance daily. We make time for what we love. We plan for it. We arrange things so that we can be involved in whatever it is. I commit to doing the same in my relationship with the One who loves me more than His own life. Let's put Him first no matter what else is on our schedule!