Sunday, July 22, 2012

Learning to Let Go

The last couple of months have been very hard for me. Although I love working for Trabon, and am grateful for the opportunity to return there as a full-time employee, the transition has not been an easy one. I miss my boys so terribly and the upcoming prospect of putting them into child care has been ripping my heart out. Tonight, I was giving them a much-needed bath, and Xander was "toy-collecting" again. He had three toys in one hand and two in the other. He had so many toys that he couldn't even play with what he had! I convinced him to release a few of them. Reluctantly, he let them go. When he was down to one for each hand, he was able to play happily. It made me think of myself. I've been so focused on holding onto how being apart from my children has made me feel, that I wasn't enjoying the time that I DID have with them. The time while Josiah and Xander are this small is already too short--I need to let the pain and disappointment at not being able to stay home with them go so that I can relish and revel in the time that I AM able to spend with them. Life changes so quickly and so frequently. I am blessed to be a wife to a wonderful hard-working honest man and a mom to two handsome, sweet and funny boys. God has given me more than I could have dreamed-even my next breath is a gift from the Father of Lights. My emotions have been misplaced, and I am letting them go. I will joyfully frolic in and with the gifts God has given me. I am grateful. On this road, we have met so many wonderful people, and made life-long friends and had wonderful time together as a family. I would not change one step of our journey. I am just glad that God leads if we are willing to follow. And we are.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Gone Fishin'

I don't know much about fishing. I've only been fishing maybe once or twice in my life, when I was young, with my Dad and twin sister. It's not that I don't like fishing, its more that the opportunity and the desire never coincided since then! However, for some reason, while I was reading the boys Children's Bible to them one night,  the part where Jesus says that He will make Peter and Andrew "fishers of men", caught my eye. More specifically, the part where Jesus tells them to throw out their nets even though they have caught NOTHING ALL NIGHT. Now, I don't know about you, but if I had been casting nets all night and had caught nothing but rocks and seaweed, not only would I just want to cry, I'd certainly not be anxious to try one last time, no matter who asked me to.
But under His request, they do what they had done all night. And lo and behold, a catch for the record books. A catch like none of them had ever seen in their lives.
When we are obedient to our Lord, He can do amazing things!
And sometimes, most times, if we are honest,  when this happens, it humbles us. Peter asked Jesus to "depart from him" after the huge catch of fish was hauled into the sinking boats. He fell to his knees, acknowledging that he was a "sinful man" . He was staggered in the presence of a God who makes the impossible, possible. He was overwhelmed by his own unworthiness. I've felt that way so very many times myself.
And yet, He allows us to become "fishermen" for Him. God gives us the precious message of reconciliation, and asks us to cast out our nets with it. He lets us, weak and fallible as we are, be the ones to take His message to a lost and hurting world. Are we being faithful to do that? Are we drawing others in with His love and forgiveness? May we submit to His guidance, let us cast out our nets, and trust Him for the "catch".

Friday, March 2, 2012

Matthew 19:26

If you haven't looked it up already, then let me tell you what the title of this blog refers to.  Matthew 19:26 is a passage that most of us Christians know by heart although we may not know the address, "Jesus looked at them and said, 'With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.'"

I'll just come right out and say it! God did it! It seemed impossible to have this happen in one month, but in response to your prayers, many people listened and rose to the challenge and God got us to 50% supported!!  I can not even begin to describe the whirlwind of a month February has been and it all belongs to God.  We were amazed and blown away and our hearts were melted as one by one, our friends and even people we had not previously met, stepped up to the challenge placed before us, to be at 50% by the end of the month. Some of you reading this followed along with us, as we kept you updated on our progress. You watched that "$1000 a month" number drop and drop, as February rolled by.

We have been very touched by your love and generosity and so blessed by all of you who have been a part of God confirming to us that Echo Ranch is where He wants us to be! 

It is not time to relax yet though.  Amber and I still have an additional $1700/month that we need to have God raise before we can actually head back to Alaska.  That amount would put us at 80% so that we can actually move to the Juneau area and be available for the year-round ministry of Echo Ranch.  It is so crucial that we be able to be there full-time, so we can continue to minister to the staff of camp as well as participate in follow-up events for the campers.

So even as we rejoice in God meeting this challenge, keep praying that He will meet the next.  We would like to be at 80% as close to early April as possible, as we will be driving up to Alaska this time and it will take a little longer to get there with the twins.  Echo Ranch opens up in mid to late April and we need to be there for the Spring retreat season. So please, continue praying with us to meet this goal of an additional $1700 in new monthly partnerships and continue seeking if the Lord would have you join us in this ministry!

Again, thank you to all who have made it possible for us to get this far already, we love and appreciate you all!


Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Just News

A lot of my blog posts are devotional in nature. Not today. Well, at least, not this one. I may post something later about why circumstances should not be, and I believe were never INTENDED to be, a sole indicator of God's will, but for now, I just want to share about our lives.
This last month has been an unforgettable one. We have had a lot of new people partner with us in our ministry to Echo Ranch. It has been awesome to see God work in the hearts of people on our behalf. The generosity and kindness of so many people has been mind-blowing.  In addition, the boys have been amazing me with new talents every single day. Just yesterday, Josiah said "Nana yummy!", as I was getting him a banana! This was his first sentence! Xander said "Carla", the name of our lovely host who is like an Auntie to them. Their newest talent (which I am NOT at all happy with) is balancing on the arm of the futon when Mom is not looking. They also seem to like to try and give each other piggy back rides, with the end result of knocking each other down. They have been working on steps lately, as they were recently around a number of slightly older kids, and wanted to be where they were. As you may know, we were in Neligh, NE this past weekend. We were encouraged and touched by the hospitality of the small church and its members. We had a great time and met wonderful people. What a blessing!
Many people are wondering if we reached our goal of 50% of our support. Honestly, I don't yet know. We have new partners who haven't given us an amount yet, and until we are able to figure them in, we won't know where we stand. According to our records, we are just a touch under our needed amount, but we are confident that God will supply. Please pray for us!!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Can You Smell?

Well, we are working on our third cold in almost as many months. When I say we, I mean the WHOLE family. This is the worst one I have had in years. I literally cannot smell or taste a thing. I cannot remember ever not being able to smell or taste at least a little bit. I've tried cayenne pepper, salsa, Chinese food, horseradish, nothing is coming through except the sensation on my tongue. I tried Vicks under my nose and on my neck. I can FEEL the coolness but not smell a thing. So weird. So irritating. I hate it when my body isn't functioning like it should. It reminded me though, of the verse that talks about how we are the Body of Christ. When we aren't doing what we were designed to do, when we are not in the role God gave us, the Body doesn't function like it should. How irritating must THAT be to Jesus? He gives us a perfect place to serve, to suit our gifting and temperaments and we whine and complain that we aren't something else and sit on our butts, not using what He has given us, and the rest of the Body suffers because of it. The Body TRIES to compensate for what is missing, but it's really hard for an ear to take the place of an eye, or a hand, or a foot. God designed us certain ways for a reason. Some of us are introverts, some extroverts,some idealists and some realists, some go by their guts and some plan for months. God places us in the Body, to fulfill the plans He has for us, not  necessarily to fulfill the plans we have for ourselves. How do we discover what our role in the Body is? By serving. We can take spiritual gift inventories and do studies on our "S.H.A.P.E" but until we serve, we will not be able to see if we fit. Or if we just manipulated the results to make us what we would LIKE to be. If you are not involved in your local Body (a.k.a. church) , GET INVOLVED. The Body will not function correctly without you. Let's not be the servant that buries the talent he is given, may we be the servant that invests it wisely.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Urgent Need

I hope that if you have found your way to this blog you will take the time to read this post.  We have an urgent need that is going to determine if we are able to return to Echo Ranch.  Not only that but I don't usually write these!

I would like to give you a brief history if I may.  Amber and I started out serving with Avant Ministries (the parent organization for Echo Ranch Bible Camp) in January of 2009.  Our first assignment was as a part of a church planting team to Verona, Italy.  Over the course of the next two years we struggled greatly to raise our needed financial support and the arrival of our twin boys, while filling us with joy, complicated matters for our serving as missionaires.  It was decided by Avant that we would leave the Italy team in January of 2011.  At the end of February we were contacted about the ministry of Echo Ranch and the need for a Camp Pastor (someone whose primary responsibility was caring for the camp staff).  After seeking the Lord we decided to go.  This decision meant that Amber would leave her job, we would go on Cobra health insurance (yes it's expensive) and head to Echo Ranch for the summer underfunded but with the goal of returning home and raising the rest of our financial support in order to go back and join the staff full-time.

Our time at Echo Ranch really served to highlight the need for a Camp Pastor, the isolation of the camp and the rigors of the ministry take a toll on the staff and it is good for there to be someone available that they can talk to and trust and help them with their own spiritual walk.  Several events that happened at camp really showed us that we were both needed and wanted.  With that in mind, we returned home to obtain the rest of our financial support and head back this coming April. 

Yet again we have met with disapointment and discouragement while trying to build a team of prayer and financial partners that will allow us to continue in this ministry.  To date we have been informed by the leadership of Echo Ranch that unless we can reach 50% of our required support by the end of February we will not be returning to Echo RanchEven if we reach that goal we must have 80% by the middle of April in order to go back for this summer's ministry.  For us to reach 50% requires an additional $1000/month in support.  For us to reach 80% from where we currently are requires an additional $2700/month in support.

I am writing this blog and sharing it on Facebook to ask for your support.  Anything that you may be able to contribute to this emergency need would be greatly appreciated.  Even $10/month if shared among many people can help us reach this goal.  Please understand that we want to meet with you we want to get to know you and build a relationship with you.  However, our time frame will not allow us to meet everyone before we need to reach our goal.  Please prayerfully consider supporting us with a monthly gift of $10 or more.  Don't think that someone else will step up to meet this need, we need you! With your help we can return to the ministry of Echo Ranch Bible Camp and ensure that the staff will remain strong and healthy in thier own personal relationships with each other and our Lord Jesus Christ, even while they share their lives and minister to the kids of Southeast Alaska. 

If you desire to help us you can set up your monthly gift at simply fill out the form and put our names (Joshua and Amber Paxton) in the missionary box.

We truly appreciate your sacrifice that we may serve in this capacity.
Thank you for your time and God bless you
Joshua Paxton