Friday, April 1, 2011

Outliving Our Lives - Josh

Radical, David Platt 
Ok, so I stole the title from Max Lucado's most recent book (Outlive Your Life).  In that book, Max talks about how God has called us to more than piling up our own treasures in this world.  He has called us as Christians to live our lives for God's glory and God's kingdom.  Lately I have been reading a lot of books to that effect.  Crazy Love by Francis Chan and Radical by David Platt, both pastors of large churches that are making a difference for the cause of Christ. 
The overarching theme is this: we were made and called by God's grace for more than just the American Dream.  God has set us all apart as believers to live our lives not for the accumulation of stuff and for worldly definitions of success but to "out live them" for His glory.  Acts 2:43-47 tells the story of the early church in Jerusalem.  They gave up everything for God and many down through the centuries have followed in thier footsteps.  I write this not to say that Amber and I are doing anything special but quite the opposite.  Giving up our earthly possessions and moving our family to another location to do ministry is not special, this should be normal practice for anyone who claims the name of Christ.  Do not misunderstand me, not everyone is called to do what Amber and I are doing (Paul would have had a short ministry if all those who supported him in Antioch went out with him!).  But we are all to play a role in advancing the Gospel.  In this life we can be captured and held slaves to many things but God wants us to live our lives not for this world and the American Dream but for the next. What might he be calling you to do for the glory of His name? Eventually the stuff corrodes and decays and the bank accounts dry up or go to some one else, but those things done for Christ will last forever!

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